Here are few Funny Light Pics, ThanX 2 da Friends who sent 'em to ME,......!
TooTh BrusH
One of 'em works inside Mouth,.....Other one is really SHITY,...:$ |
AisA BhEE H0TA HaI pYaaR mEiN KaBHee KaBHee,...! |
It Workss,...!
God will def'ly Pay me for This,...:> |
StiLL a LonG wAy 2 Go...>>>
oyeeeeeeeeeeee,.....tu kidher?
Now Dis is wt we call,...........LUCK. |
lotey nyeen,.....:$
FroM THE BoTToM oF mY BroKen HeaRT,.....;)
Plzzzz bol na,....:$
Who caRez,.....:( |