Hi,...! Dis is another me,....its a bit old but i like my dis one. Anyways Im 18.
dunno how to describe myself but,.... ....*confused*
anyways dis is my room,......full of posterz of bikes(Crazy of 2 wheel drives), ...heres the PC where i use to do all my work [Mostly chatting,.... ].
bassss,...........cant say even a word more abt myself,...
Y I bUiLt Dis siTe,...
Hmmmmm,........Theres no such reason in building this site or so called web page,..........but i just did it,...........cause i like it to be like dat,.....*meaningless* Let me Tell you i m an IT Student,... ...and offcourse now an IT professional, ...i have my intrest in this IT world,...and may be web developing will be my Future profession, at leats there should be something to show ppl,.....dat WE CAN DO. ThanX to WAJ,........I learnt a lot from him,......infact I learnt all from HIM,....and he never knew it!!! anyways,...ThanX for all the people and domains and web servers,...I used their stuff on my web site like emoticons,...ThanX to them.
Thanx for viewing my webPage.
FoR youR CoMMenTs,...c0nTacT mE @ GuesT BuK & c0nTacT paGe
MaiL mE FoR F.A.Q anD y0uR oBjeCTionZ. |