MoHsiN'z HoMe
aBouT mE
FaVoriTe LinX
WhaT's NeW
GuEsT Buk
DonT ConTacT mE
ArTicLeZ 'n PiX 1
ArTicLeZ 'n PiX 2
ArTicLeZ 'n PiX 3
ArTicLeZ 'n PiX 4
FoToZ(4_TeeN AgErZ)
wHat I w0uLd liKe t0 teLL aBouT mE anD mY FamiLy
I m a boy, Boy is a boy , Girl is a girl. Why I am not a girl is because I am a Boy. Avery Gud Boy. I have a sister and a Pair of Parents. One Mom and one Dad, My Dad is a Male, He was born Male, Why he was born Male, Because he cant be a Female, Why he cant be a female, Because he is my DAD, NOT YOURZ.  My mom is a female, because she is not a male, Who is male then My Dad is a male.  So we are Four   at Home. My Dad, Mom, My sister and ME, But we are not FOUR, Dad is out to Market for Walk. So we are three. Why dad is out for walk to Market, Because he love to walk in market, He walk all alone in market with many people around him, We all love to walk in market , Because Market is a place where One can Walk, We walk forward, We walk backward, We walk leftward, we walk rightward, We look oak ward, We are mad actually , Four of us are mad, infect all of us are mad except My Dad and Mom, and my sister is also not MAD, because her parents are not MAD, I am MAD, because there should be a mad in family to represent It, As you are MAD of your family, If you are not MAD. Then Must be some other of your family member is MAD. and if it isnt true, Then Ignore it, because I told na, I m MAD. Thats How the Life goes.  When They are old, I m hoping that they have earned a lot of Money by then. Money is Money. Not-money is Not-money. Money is gud so I like Money, I am also gud and Money likes me too, We both are gud and like each other, One day we will marry each other. When my Family is old, they will not need so much money, So I can take all their money and use. But ill be having my own Money by then, So ill mix them in Mixer and ill make one big money, ill sale those big Money out in the market and then ill buy two Moneys, Two little Moneys, But ill miss my old Money. *sob* Because of my 3 Family members, They are more of them to take care of each other. Thats why I can go and use all their Money as they dont need Money. They can go and Play Cricket or Watch T.V. They can sing songs to each other or they can watch P.T.V Khabarnama.  P.T.V khabarnama is the Thing which can be seen Daily when clock strikes for 9.My clock never strikes 9. Actually I dont have any clock. I m poor, I m poor even with lot of MONEYS. My dad says Save the Money, He says about Money that,  One Money in Pocket is better then the two Moneys in Hands.  Thats why I always keep Money in my Pockets, I never use them. My sister says u r miser, I m Miser, I m proud to be a miser. 
TrAgEDieS oF mY LiFe,...
My Life, Sigh!  Today, Sigh!  A whole new day A whole new set of tragedies. Everyday people around me hear myself say Ah, Tragic story of my life ,at least thirty times. One of my friends got so exasperated, He told me to make a web page about my tragedies. The idea was not bad, But since making a web page is really a time taking process, and I dont have spare ISP to waste on making a web page on my Tragedies only, I thought I would just tell you some of the tragedies I have to face. So here we go.
My mother wakes me up early one morning-an hour earlier than the usual time, Thinking the clock was striking 6 when it was actually 5:00!! 
I am in a gud mood whole day knowing there is a huge bar of Cadbury waiting in the refrigerator. Only when I get home, I found out my sister already discovered the bar and you can guess what happened to my Cadbury----------*sob*sob*
I use four hours of my precious sleep working on an assignment,{I dont complete it usually} proudly, I carry it to class only to find out it was not due that day---sigh! 
I oil my hair, a day before my birthday. The next day an hour before the celebrations, I discover were out of Shampoo! 
I get all dressed up, Stand in front of mirror to make my hairs for a huge Party, When I see the too ugly pimples, also want to go to the party with me-----Major Tragedy! 
I am so excited---I finally found a video of every Boy zone song released-----Just to find out my5 years old V.C.D player finally decided to retire. 
I lock my literature text in locker, and very nicely forget it in college, The weekend before a big test! 
I buy a gorgeous new six pockets Jeans with fantastic light color, Just to go home and find my servant in the exactly same pent, Boo Hoo! 
I go home from college, run up the step to my house like crazy. I cant wait to get my hands on my FEAST. Only when I open the freezer I find the ice-cream stick lying in a puddle of chocolate cream. Trust the electricity to betray me at this crucial time. 
Now that you have an idea of the tragedies I face day to day, I am sure you will bear with me when you see me huffing and puffing away. 
Oh no! here I am sitting with you dumb people and I have missed my favorite program khul ja sim sim..
Ah! Tragic story of my life!! 
 My r00m.  
I have a room, My room is very roomy, It seems like a room, Room is a place where we can spend Nice time with Nice environment, for example A bathRoom. A bath room is a place where we can share our highly personal and confidential problems with some shank, tubb, donga and stuff. Thats why I like Bathroom. I feel so relax when I am in Bathroom. And I hate that Moment when someone knocks and shout, COME-OUT! Its Pressure.  My room is better then Bathroom, No one can Knock at the door of my room,  Actually There isnt any door at my room. I use windows to come in and go out. My room is very stupid. But I love my room. I love my Windows.  
wHy w0rrY
There are two things to worry about; either you are well or you are sick. If you are well then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are sick, there are two things to worry about. Either you will get well or you will die. If you will get well, there is nothing to worry about. If you die, there are two things to worry about. Either you will go to heaven or hell . If you go to heaven there is nothing to worry about. But if you go to hell you will be enjoying shaking hands with friends. You wont have time to worry.
cLicK 2 sEe s0mEtHinG sPeCiaL
U r THE visiTor N0


OnE DaY wHeN I wAs LuKinG 0uT Fr0m mY WinDoW. 
Luking outside my Window, got Bird, got Boy, Boy eat Bird, Bird die. I see a rainbow outside. It is very color full. It is color full because Rainbow is always color full. In this latest period of time companies have stopped making black and white rainbows,  so the Rainbow is color full. I am happy because it is very beautiful. I see children playing with balls outside.    All kind of balls. Football, Basketball, Baseball, Ballball, No ball, Yes ball. 
My Mom and Dad come inside my room and sit beside me on my bed. They luk outside the window too.  My mom sit at my left and my Dad sit at my Right. As they are at my left and right sides, so I believe I must be in their mid, But that not the question. I am happy and so They are happy too because I m happy and I m happy because they are happy, we are happy  because we are not un happy.   Suddenly, Some sparrows flew past.      Our Family Dog then jumped out to catch few Birds.  Our Dog is very active, he eats a lot. He is an active dog who eats a lot,  This is why he is active. However he is not very clever dog because he is MAD. When he jumped out of window to catch Birds,    He forgot That our Family lives on 25th floor. Dog Die. Me Sad.  This is a Bad day for me looking outside the window be cause I am sad. I am sad because my parents just bought the Dog yesterday. We are Sad.   Suddenly, an aero plane flies past the window. We forgot about our Dog and are very surprised because we have never seen an aero plane before. As a result, we are happy because the Aero plane is flying and exciting.  My mom is talking to me but I continue looking out the window. I am deaf because of the large sound of the aero plane. Aero plane leaves. We are sad again, but Happy because rainbow is still in the sky.  This was an exciting view out of my room window.  
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